Clinical Pharmacokinetics And Pharmacodynamics: Concepts And Applications
formerly clinical pharmacokinetics: concepts and applications, this fully updated fourth edition has been retitled clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: concepts and applications to reflect the increasing body of knowledge linking the two concepts that explain the relationship between drug administration and drug response. this revised edition also reflects the explosion in our understanding at the molecular and mechanistic levels of all the processes controlling the pharmacokinetics of drugs. the text is authored by two leading international experts on the clinical aspects of pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and is widely considered one of the authoritative texts on the subject.
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications
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this practicum continues to build on knowledge of previous course work and specific principles of the advanced practice nurse and the core competencies for the clinical nurse specialist (cns). students will work within three spheres of influence: patient/family, nursing and other health care personnel, and organizational systems utilizing a multidisciplinary approach through application and integration of theory, practice inquiry, and clinical knowledge. emphasis is on clinical judgment, assessment, interdisciplinary collaboration, and communication. concepts of role development for consultation, coaching and mentoring will be integrated with cns specific simulation exercises, case based scenarios, and field experiences. typically offered: spring.
formerly clinical pharmacokinetics: concepts and applications, this fully updated fourth edition has been retitled clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: concepts and applications to reflect the increasing body of knowledge linking the two concepts that explain the relationship between drug administration and drug response. this revised edition also reflects the explosion in our understanding at the molecular and mechanistic levels of all the processes controlling the pharmacokinetics of drugs. the text is authored by two leading international experts on the clinical aspects of pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and is widely considered one of the authoritative texts on the subject.