Internet Explorer 11 Windows 8 =LINK= Download 13
You should download Internet Explorer if you're a very basic internet user. If you prefer paper books to Kindles, and writing letters to texting, this browser will be up your alley. You can watch videos, but after testing a few on YouTube, switching to another tab and then back again would cause the browser to crash. Avoid websites with a lot of ads and graphics, as those will make IE crash as well. This browser has come a long way in terms of speed with most sites loading in about three seconds or less. With that said, there are more things that you can't do than what you can, especially if you're trying this browser out after using others like Firefox or Chrome. No extensions, no heavy downloading, and playing browser games is nearly impossible for an extended amount of time.
internet explorer 11 windows 8 download 13
Now, here's the tricky part: Windows Update should handle Windows Updates, but in the case of the update from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, it doesn't. That's the update for Windows 8 which includes Internet Explorer 11. This update you have to install through the Windows Store (go to the start screen, type "Store", click the green "store" icon). You'll find the update there and then you can download and install it. For detailed instructions see: -us/windows-8/update-from-windows-8-tutorial
I have a surface 2 8.1 RT and chrome. I have been toying with downloading Windows 10. I recently bought a chrome book and when I read on a chromneboiok description that you could download to windows 10 I did a search and landed here, My new chromebook box is not even opened yet it is a toshiba chrome book 2. I was sad to read that chrome DOES NOT support touch screen. I feel like I jumped the gun buying a chrome book before researching it. It will remain in the box untouched until I decide what to do. I also like touch and have gotten very use to it. So you are able to use touch on microsoft stuff but not chrome from my understanding,
I am getting a message error when it try to install chrome on windows ten. I get this error message.0x8004071b. What does that mean. When I downloaded Windows ten for some reason I could not go on line. Best Buy backed up my computer to an external hard drive. When I picked up my computer we tried to install Chrome on to the computer and it would not work. What can I do.